Wild game meat is an excellent bait for coyotes. These wandering canines love fleshy game, so pig meat and dear meat make great coyote bait. The pungent odor of aged meat can also be highly...
Beginner’s Guide to Varmint Identification & Removal
Beginner’s Guide to Varmint Identification & Removal
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The best coyote traps are coil spring foothold traps and snare traps. If you catch other animals, consider using less pungent bait. Unstable coyote traps can also be fixed by bedding your trap. If no...
When administered with care and caution, gopher bombs effectively deal with a gopher infestation. The smoke bomb works by producing thick, toxic fumes that travel through the gopher tunnels. However,...
Gophers are rodents that actually spend most of their life underground. Gophers are brown in color and have short limbs. They are vegetarians that eat almost any type of plant. Their diet primarily...
How to get rid of possums: keep them away from your house & yard
Possums can be pests to homeowners. There are many deterrents that can be humanely used to keep possums away. Items with strong scents, such as garlic, peppers, and onions, can be used to repel...
Coyotes can produce a range of sounds, from guttural growls to staccato yips. However, the most infamous sound a coyote makes is its signature howl—a loud, screeching, and eerie noise that...