The safest way to catch a snake is to use a snake trap or call an animal control expert. To catch a snake yourself, cover them with a basket or a blanket. Sweep the snake with a broom into a trash can or a forked stick to pin it down and collect it into a mosquito net.
Snakes are an animal that trigger mixed reactions. While some people keep them as pets, for others, even the thought of a snake triggers ophidiophobia—the intense fear of slithering reptiles.
According to herpetologists, and snake researchers, snakes, have existed for approximately 100 million years, long before early man. They play a crucial role in the environment. As carnivores, they primarily feed on rodents, eggs, frogs, birds, insects, tortoises, other snakes, and small mammals.
However, there are venomous snakes that can cause serious harm to both you and your pets. Snakes may enter homes because they can provide food and warmth, especially during the cold seasons. In such a scenario, you may decide you want to eliminate them, but how do you catch a snake?
Read on!
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How to catch a snake in your garden, yard, or house
Before figuring out how to catch a snake, you must first ask yourself why you want to catch it. Here are some common reasons:
- Someone has experienced a snake bite
- Determine if the snake is an invasive species
- Remove a venomous snake such as a rattlesnake, king cobra, or copperhead
- Keep a non-venomous snakes, such as garter snakes, as pets
- Qualified research
So, if you want to catch snakes, it can be daunting, especially with the different methods available. There are DIY methods that you can use, such as bare-handed, snake traps, and more that you can use to catch snakes.
You can also shop for other effective snake repellents online or your local pest store. If in doubt, it’s always advisable to call animal control or pest control experts to catch the snake professionally.

How to catch a snake in the house
Snakes are typically shy of humans and don’t enter your house. However, in extreme weather, snakes may seek shelter in your home, or if you have a rodent infestation or bird nests, they can source food.
Garter snakes are very common and have mild neurotoxin venom that is not dangerous to humans and pets. But these and other types of snakes can get into your house, and you need to learn how to catch and get rid of them.
The first thing to do is to identify between a venomous and non-venomous snake. For instance, a garter snake is small to medium size and can have any of the base colors with several stripes running down its body. It also has a strong and foul odor.
Example small non-venomous snakes in the United States also include the Florida Brown Snake and the Black Swamp Snake. You can know if a snake is venomous if it has a rattling tail, slit-like eyes, a large, fat body, and large fangs.
Another sure way is if the snake has a strong smell resembling cucumbers, which some species such as rattlesnakes and copperheads emit. If you identify a venomous snake, you can use a basket or a big blanket to catch it.
Other strategies include:
- Sweep the snake with a stiff broom into a trash can.
- Use a stick to pin it down and trap it into a mosquito netting
- Use snake tongs and put the snake into a burlap bag
- Place a mosquito net in front of its head. The snake may slither inside, believing it’s protective.
- Use a snake trap
- Contact an animal control expert

How to catch a snake in your yard
If you spot a snake in the yard, it can limit your movement, especially if it’s venomous. Garter snakes are harmless to humans but can threaten your pets or children playing outside.
Fortunately, its easy to locate snakes as they love hiding in dense vegetation. To prevent snakes from hiding on your property, keep you bushes trimmed, mow the grass, and clear any junk piles.
Safety Tips
Some bold individuals may be brave enough to even catch snakes by hand. However, you must be protected when catching a snake, especially if it’s venomous.
Some of the best tools you need to catch a snake include:
- Snake Tongs: To grab, hold, and move snakes safely at a distance.
- Snake Hook: Allow you to catch or scoop up giant snakes and move them safely.
- Snake Bag: A thick sack to place a snake in. Note, pit vipers can strike even through a thick bag.
- Thick Welder’s Gloves: To protect your hands. Use even with non-venomous snakes
- Snake Boots and Pants: To avoid being bitten on the ankle or foot.
- Snake Trap: the safest way to catch a snake and relocate it

What should you actually do with a snake after catching it?
Snakes should be dealt with humanely after catching them. The first thing you will need to familiarize yourself with are your local laws on relocating snakes.
In some places, you cannot relocate a snake over the county or state lines, while in others, you can relocate them within a certain distance. Always transport the snake safely in a trap for short distances. Use a box or a cage with a grille for longer trips.
Once you’ve caught a snake, you must select a suitable relocation spot, away from homes, businesses, parks, and schools. Relocate them to natural areas with plenty of cover, such as bushes or grass, for the snakes to escape and find prey.