Coyote poop or scat is tubular with tapered ends. It looks like a twisted rope with several segments and is usually between three to five inches long and three-quarters to one and a half inches in diameter.
Coyotes are common animals in North America. They are slightly smaller than their close relatives, the red wolf, the gray wolf, and so on. Coyotes belong to the dog family.
They’re diurnal animals and typically avoid human interaction, especially during the day. Also know as Canis latrans, they can be a threat to your small pets and poultry.
Coyotes also can carry rabies, other dangerous viruses and disease-causing pathogens. If you are concerned and wondering whether coyotes live in your area, the best way is to look out for coyote poop.
Their waste is also known as coyote scat or droppings. This is a clear indication that coyotes are present in the region. So, what does coyote poop look like? Let’s dive in!
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What does coyote poop look like?
In most cases, coyote poop or scat is cylinder shaped. It typically has long curly tapering ends, distinguishing it from other animals’ droppings. Coyote feces might contain bones and hair from prey like shrews, rabbits, and rodents.
Male coyote poop is usually larger than a females’, and the appearance and color may vary depending on their food and climate. It might appear bright in summer and dark in winter.

What does old coyote poop look like?
Fresh coyote scat is ordinarily wet and sticky, while old coyote poop is dry and worn out. Coyotes exhibit territorial behavior when pooping.
In some instances, you may also observe nuts, grass, seeds, berries, and fruits they eat to eliminate intestinal worms. Mostly, the color ranges from dark brown or black to gray.
Coyotes are territorial wild animals always on standby to defend the main areas of their den. For this reason, they poop on the border of their territories or in the middle of dirt roads to mark them.
You will, therefore, find a lot of coyote droppings scattered around your property, especially if you own a pet dog. Like raccoons, coyotes can build a designated spot in your yard, where they’ll always return to poop.

How can you tell coyote poop from other scat?
A clear indication that you’re looking at a coyote’s feces is if it contains fur or bones. Their droppings typically have fur or bones from the prey they consume, including rabbits and small rodents.
Identifying animal poop can help you solve potentially severe problems in your yard, as coyotes can pose a serious threat. While they primarily feed on small animals, their feeding behavior varies depending on the location and the type of food available.
For instance, coyotes without prey access could survive on nuts, fruits, seeds, and grass, which may appear in their droppings. Also, coyote poop will be brighter in color during the summer as they feed on vegetation.
How large is coyote poop?
Coyote scat is typically 3 to 5 inches long, but scat from large male coyotes can even be up to 12 inches. The diameter of the poop varies based on the contents, but typically is 3/4 to 1.5 inches.
Coyote urine usually targets a pest’s sense of smell and is used to deter larger animals that coyotes hunt, such as raccoons, skunks, rabbits, foxes, birds, groundhogs, possums, woodchucks, deer, and other small mammals.

What to do if you identify coyote droppings?
The presence of a coyote may seem dangerous, but its scat can pose an even more serious risk to humans and animals. Coyote droppings contain harmful parasites, bacteria, viruses, and pathogens.
Among the many dangers, the main one is tapeworm eggs carried and transmitted. A study on coyotes by biologists revealed that one out of every four coyotes contained tapeworms or tapeworm eggs.
These tapeworms lay eggs that come out through their droppings, where they hatch and start multiplying quickly. If you own pets, they can be more vulnerable to tapeworm infection, especially small dogs with a habit of sniffing around.
Also, when you come into direct contact with the droppings, either through a contaminated water source or a wound, you could be infected by tapeworms. These tapeworms can lead to severe health issues and even death in the worst scenario.
Therefore, you must be extraordinarily cautious when handling a coyote’s scat. You could also call a pest control expert to help you get rid of coyotes.