The best methods to get rid of skunks include using an ultrasonic skunk repellent, sprinkling cayenne pepper, trapping them using bait, removing food, water, and shelter sources, or installing chicken wire.
Are you facing a skunk infiltration? Is there a foul odor emanating near your home?
If so, chances are a skunk lives under your house or shed. While skunks are docile critters, they can damage your property’s structure and eat your livestock. Skunks are also wildlife’s most prominent carriers of diseases that can harm humans and pets, such as rabies.
There are many tools and traps aimed at getting rid of skunks. From home remedies like natural repellents to commercial equipment like motion-activated sprinklers, you’re riddled with options for your skunk removal needs.
Ready to get started? Read below these great tips on how to get rid of skunks living under your house or shed.
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How Do You Get Rid of Skunks Fast: 5 Tips
You want the skunk gone, and you want it gone now. That’s understandable. But before stockpiling every skunk removal tool under the sun, taking a step back and considering your options is essential.
There are many skunk removal methods, but depending on the outbreak’s severity, some methods may be more preferred than others.
Here are a few top tips on how to get rid of skunk under house property:
Ultrasonic Repellent
Set up an ultrasonic skunk repellent. Skunks have poor eyesight so that motion-controlled lights won’t scare them away. However, they’re very sensitive to sound. An ultrasonic skunk repellent would do just the thing to scare skunks away from your property.
Cayenne Pepper
Sprinkle cayenne pepper liberally around the perimeter of your shed or house. Skunks don’t like the smell of cayenne pepper, so this would be an effective natural repellent. Alternative repellents like citrus peels, ammonia, mothballs, and cinnamon can also work.
Use a commercial skunk trap. Trapping skunks can be tricky, but it’s possible with the right trap. Bait the trap, leave it for a while, and check it regularly until the skunk is captured. Thoroughly check your local laws and regulations before setting a trap, as some wildlife conservation regulations may be in place.
Food & Shelter
Remove food, water, and shelter sources. Skunks are resourceful eaters, establishing burrows and dens in places with abundant insects and grubs. To discourage them from entering your property, remove food sources by sealing trash bins and bar entry to places they can inhabit.
Chicken Wire
Install chicken wire. If skunks are burrowing under your shed or living in your crawl spaces, chicken wire can be an effective way to keep them out. Prop the wire at least 1 foot deep and 4 feet high.

Do It Yourself Skunk Removal: House & Yard
The good thing about skunk removal is that you can take action before they even set foot on your property. They’re generally timid creatures and would rather avoid confrontation than engage in it.
To remove a skunk, you can use homemade ingredients and set up a repellent to prevent skunks from your property. The only thing you’ll need is some citrus peels. Lemon and orange rinds work well, but any citrus fruit will do.
To make your repellent, gather the peels and sprinkle them around the perimeter of your house and yard. The robust and acidic smell emits a strong odor that can reach a far distance and is potent enough to discourage skunks from returning. Skunks hate the citric smell.
You’ll need to reapply this repellent every few days, but it’s an easy way to keep skunks away, especially if you have an abundance of citrus fruits around.
Alternatively, you can boil a mixture of the following ingredients:
- 2 quarts water
- 1 tablespoons cayenne pepper
- 1 jalapeno, chopped
- 1 onion, chopped
Once you’ve boiled it, let it cool and strain the mixture. Pour the concoction into a spray bottle and spritz it around the perimeter of the areas where the skunk is situated.
This mixture will last for five days before it needs to be reapplied.

What Scent Will Keep Skunks Away?
If you want to learn how to eliminate a skunk in your yard or shed, then scent is the best way to fight back. The skunk’s sense of smell is highly developed, and certain smells—not their skunk odor—are effective means of skunk control.
Some of the most effective smells that keep skunks away include:
- Cayenne pepper
- Citrus fruits
- Ammonia
- Mothballs
- Cinnamon
These smells may also be wildlife control measures. Make sure you’re informed that you’re not hurting the local population while dealing with your skunk problem.
But if you fear the thought of lingering skunk spray in your home, these are some of the best smells to send them packing.
How Much Does It Cost to Get Rid of Skunks?
The national average cost of skunk removal services in the United States is $450.
This is a tad bit lower than the price for raccoon removal. However, it can go upwards of $600 depending on the size of the skunk, the complexity of the removal, and other factors.
For one small skunk in an easily accessible location, you can expect to pay around $300. Dead skunk wildlife removal costs around $100 to $150.

What Attracts Skunks to Your Yard?
Skunks aren’t the type to miss out on a good meal; they’re attracted to yards that offer an easy food source. These creatures are omnivorous so that they can eat a wide range of food items.
In the wild, their dietary sources primarily consists of various insects, grubs, berries, and nuts. But in your yard, they might also feast on:
- Fruit from trees and bushes
- Garbage
- Pet food
- Birdseed
- Small insects like grasshoppers and cockroaches
You’re more likely to attract skunks if you have any of these food sources in your yard. To keep them away, experts suggest that homeowners remove any food sources as a form of animal control.