The most effective bat repellents use strong scents using essential oils like peppermint, netting that allow bats to exit but not return, or sound repellents that includes both ordinary white noise and ultrasonic sound.
It’s not hard to find bats making their way into your attic, basement, sheds, barns, and building a home for their colonies. Your home can quickly become infested with bats, which is not good.
Bats are associated with many diseases such as histoplasmosis, which is a type of pneumonia, and even rabies.
Moreover, bat droppings are corrosive and can erode your furniture and attic, affecting the safety of your property. Generally, there are numerous reasons to get rid of bats from your home as soon as possible.
Fortunately, several bat repellents and deterrents can effectively repel bats and keep them at bay for good. We’ve analyzed some of the most effective bat repellents for your attic, basement, and around your house.
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Best bat repellants for house and yard
Generally, a repellent is any method that repels creatures from areas they’re not wanted. There are three main methods of repellents for bats.
Bats usually have a broad wingspan compared to their body size. This allows them to enter a building through long, narrow openings or cracks.
A net with a half-inch mesh over these openings acts as a perfect bat repellent. The hanging nets allow bats to exit the home but prevent them from re-entering when returning.
Bats have an acute hearing as they rely on echolocation to find and track their prey. Therefore, anything emitting constant and irritating sound will interfere with their hunting.
Ultrasonic bat repellers feature ultra-intense repellent technology with speakers that project powerful ultrasonic sound streams. These generate an unbearably hectic environment that is super-effective for bat control.
They may feature several bats repelling options that include variable and chaotic modes for targeting bats, level of power, and confusion. Ultrasonic repellers are pet-friendly and safe for humans, and are chemical free.
It’s also simple and works on other rodents, pests, and insects. Ultrasonic pest repellent is an effective solution that you should have in your home once you suspect the presence of any pests.
Irritating odors have also been proven to repel both insects and animals. Certain essential oils work well, but the mothballs are the best.
Some of the best examples include:
- bat repellent spray
- peppermint
- menthol
- thyme
- rosemary
- spearmint
- cloves
- cedarwood
- eucalyptus

How do I get rid of bats in my house naturally?
Bats play a significant role in the environment and ecosystem as pollinators and pest control. They feed on insects, including mosquitoes, and help the agricultural sector.
This is why bats are protected in most parts of the world. So, how can you get rid of bats naturally? There are numerous ways you can do this. These include:
- Installing a bat net: These stop bats from re-entering your property.
- Installing a decoy bat house
- Removing food sources from your yard or garden
- Using a bat cone bat deterrent
- Installing bright lights
- Using mothballs made from naphthalene
- Scaring them with sound
- Calling a professional pest control company

Is there a spray repellent for bats?
Yes, there are several effective spray repellents for bats. Natural bat repellent sprays work, usually made from natural ingredients and synthetic chemicals that are unpleasant to bats.
Some bat repellents are made from spearmint and peppermint essential oils. These essential oils emit powerful scents that bats detest. They do not harm humans, bats, or other house pets.
Bat spray deters bats from roosting and nesting in your home. When strategically applied in resting spots, hollow spaces, and entry points, it will keep bats away.
Do ultrasonic bat repellents really work?
Ultrasonic or electronic bat repellents emit ultrasonic sound waves that irritate bats. This is because they disturb bats as they confuse their communication with each other.
Moreover, it makes the search for food virtually impossible. These devices are also environmental-friendly because they don’t emit any harmful pollutants and do not harm bats.
Do moth balls deter bats?
Mothballs have not been proven to deter bats successfully. However, bats detest the smell and will not return to your property.
Mothballs contain phenol and naphthalene as one of their active ingredients. These emit a pungent odor that bats don’t like.

What attracts bats to your house?
Now that you know how to effectively repel bats from your home, what attracts bats to your house? The answer is insects. Bats love eating mosquitoes, moths, and other flying insects.
However, some bat species feed on deeds, pollen, and fruits such as figs, bananas, mangoes, and dates. So, when bats find food sources in your home, they will remain there.
Bats will then invade crevices, cracks, barns, attics, and the basement of your house, looking for a roosting nest. Other things that attract bats to your home are water and shelter.