Mice and rats are both rodents, but there are key differences that differentiate these bothersome pests. Mice have smaller bodies, longer tails, and bigger ears. However, rats tend to be more aggressive and territorial than mice.
Aside from their anatomy and size, these rodents exhibit notable behavioral differences that can help you determine who it is exactly that’s snacking on the kitchen counter. Knowing what type of varmint you have on your property can be the difference maker in putting a halt to their destructive antics.
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How To Know if It’s Rat or Mouse Poop?
Fresh rat poop is often black, shiny, and sausage-like on either end. Mouse poop, on the other hand, is brown, smooth, and has a more pointed shape. Older rat poop may look dry, gray, and crumbly, while older mouse poop will appear more like tiny rice pellets.
The location of the droppings can also give you a clue as to which rodent is causing trouble. Mice tend to leave their droppings in kitchens, pantries, and food boxes. Rats poop in garages, sewers, and damp spots in your home.
How Big Are Rat Droppings Compared to Mouse Droppings?
Rat droppings are considerably larger than mouse droppings. The average length of feces from roof rats is 1/2 inch, while the average size of Norway rats’ poop is about 3/4 inch.
In comparison, a typical house mouse excretes much smaller rodent droppings—measuring about 1/4 inches in length. These droppings look almost pellet-sized, which is another distinguishable factor.
What Do Rats Droppings Look Like?
Rat droppings resemble a long, dried raisin. They’re black and glossy when fresh, but they can turn gray when exposed to the elements for an extended period.

Do Rats Leave a Single Dropping?
Rats will generally leave several droppings at once since they defecate while moving. On average, rats poop 40 to 55 times a day.
Mice at an even more rapid rate and defecate around 100 droppings daily. If you see just a solitary dropping, it might be another type of varmint that is the culprit.
What Time At Night Do Rats Come Out?
Rats are nocturnal creatures. They slip into action when the sun’s out, usually between dusk and dawn.
During this time, they go about the routine activities necessary for survival. You can expect them to forage for food, find water to drink, and mate potential partners at night.
How Do I Know if I Have Rats?
While they’re known to creep through hallways and staircases in the dead of night, rats can leave behind traces of their presence that you can find in the morning.
Here are some telltale signs that you’re living above a rat-infested property.
- You hear squeaking, scratching, or gnawing sounds from the walls, floorboards, or ceilings.
- You see rat droppings in your kitchen, pantry, or food storage boxes.
- Your pet is acting strangely.
- You find shredded paper or fabric around the house.
- There’s a musky smell in the air.
- The food has been tampered with.
- You spot grease and smudge marks near baseboards and flooring.
How To Know if Rats Are Gone?
Rats are industrious creatures. Even if you’ve got rid of one or two of their mates, they’ll continue to enter your home as long as there’s an attractive food source nearby.
The best way to determine if rats are gone for good is to inspect your property thoroughly. Look for any potential entry points, including cracks in the foundation or gaps around utility pipes.
If you see any sign of fresh rat droppings or smudge marks on these areas, that clearly indicates that they’re still around. An absence of these signs can mean that the rodents are gone for good.
You should also consider setting up traps to catch any remaining rats. Once you’ve caught them, you can relocate them to a different area.
The most reliable way to keep rats away is by calling a professional pest control specialist on the scene. They’ll survey the area and develop relevant strategies to curb a rat infestation at a level no novice can easily replicate.

How Can You Tell How Many Rats Are in Your House?
A male and female rat can produce up to 12 offspring in a single litter. And assuming that the offspring continue to mate, you can expect up to 15,000 rats to be birthed from a single lineage.
The number of rats can be even higher if you live near a connected sewer system. But by sealing entry points, you can keep the rats at bay.
The best way to tell the number of rats you’re dealing with is by looking at the amount of poop in your home. If there’s a never-ending amount of droppings that appear no matter how often you clean the area, you may be dealing with a severe rat problem.
Where Do Rats Hide During the Day?
Rats tend to stay in their nest in isolated and dark locations. Roof rats, for example, tend to nest in high locations, such as drop ceilings and attics.
Norway rats are the opposite. They burrow beneath buildings and trees to stay safe from predators and humans during daylight hours.
Are Rats Worse Than Mice?
Rats are actually known to be more aggressive than mice, which can make them appear more dangerous. They can infact also transmit diseases, such as the bubonic plague and typhus, which can be fatal to anyone infected.
Mice, on the other hand, are timid creatures that tend to avoid contact with humans. While their poop isn’t the safest thing to have around, the creature itself won’t bite a human or pet unprovoked. They’d likely flee instead.
That said, both rats and mice play an essential role in the natural ecosystem. Their diet primarily consists of insects, plants, and small vertebrates, helping curb the population of wildlife creatures. They’re also situated in an ideal position in the food chain, being a good meal for owls and foxes.

Will Rats Leave if There’s No Food?
If the homeowner has taken the proper steps to dissuade a rat from returning to their property, they will eventually depart your property in search of other food sources.
However, in some cases, they may stick around for a little bit longer and gnaw on insulation and wiring around your home. Rats can be destructive creatures, and if you already have a rat in your home, you’d need to stop it before they wreak havoc on your home.
If you’re dealing with a rat problem, a professional pest control company may solve your home’s pest crisis. They have the experience and resources needed to deal with a rodent problem.